Join a Teleclass
Online ClassesHop into an online class via to give it a try or enroll for an entire course. Teleclasses are on a rotation for 6-8 weeks each.
Shift Your Mindset
Positivity Manifestor
Learn how to make the laws of attraction, vibration, and manifestation work for you as you set goals, clear blocks, and get on track in creating your best life ever.
Positivity Manifestor is a 6-week rotating teleclass that teaches students how to reach their goals faster by retraining the brain to look for the good things that happen rather than focusing on the negative and giving you the tools on how to cope and be resilient when times get touch.

“eLearning is changing. And we will see new models, new technologies and designs emerge. So, let’s drop the ‘e’ – or at least give it a new and wider definition.”
Elliott Masie, CEO of MASIE Productions

Where Gratitude Meets Resilience
Hacking Happiness
It’s been proven a thousand times that happiness + your inner state drives success. Success does not drive happiness, when you are happy, there is more success. The 8-week Hacking Happiness Program is a rotating teleclass students can plug into to help rediscover their joy, cope with the stresses of everyday life, and become a calmer, more confident you, and consciously design your best life ever – wherever you are.
Moving from Trraditional to Digital
Coaching Creativepreneurs
The 6-week Coaching Creativepreneurs group coaching program helps independent business owners learn to plan out their business and get them ready for the move to digital, use the tools available to them online, scale their business on their chosen platforms, and get the support they need each step of the way. The program focusese on creating the right mindset, equipping participants with the tools, tactics, and strategies to create massive results in their online business.

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